Altamira Recruiting
Introduction and Concepts
- What is Altamira Recruiting?
- Recruiting Best Practice
- Recruiting Workflow
- Database partitioning
- Custom fields and forms
- Custom fields and forms
Career Centre
- How does the Career Centre work?
- Managing documents in the Career Centre
- Adding a new document to the Career Centre
- Finding documents
- Changing the company logo in your Career Site
- Editing or deleting Career Centres
CVs and Recruitment process
- CV database
- The CV form
- Creating and editing CVs
- The "Actions" menu in the CV
- The "New" menu in a CV
- Deleting CVs
Vacancies and Projects
- Creating or editing vacancies
- Copying vacancies or projects
- Finding a vacancy or a project
- Vacancies and projects navigation
- Publishing or withdrawing a vacancy
- Link builder
Tasks and Meetings
- Creating a new task or meeting
- Viewing tasks and meetings
- Sending CVs to Line managers
- Adding interviewers
- Activities and interaction with workflows
- Managing tasks and meetings
- The client form
- Finding clients
- Creating and editing clients
- Associating tasks and meetings with clients
- Creating or editing contacts
- The contact form