Email archive
FollowThe email archive is used to display email sent and received from the platform in a centralized location. Email can also be seen in the candidates CV forms.
Sent messages
The Sent messages contains the messages sent to candidates, both automatically and by users.
To view an email that has been sent to a candidate:
- Click on Other > Sent messages on the top menu
- Search for the email using the Quick search field or the Advanced search form
- Click on the subject of the email
The Inbox contains the messages received by the platform from candidates.
To view an email that has been received from a candidate:
- Click on Other > Inbox on the top menu
- Search for the email using the Quick search field or the Advanced search form
- Click on the subject of the email
When the platform generates a message to a candidate the body of the message contains a code that identifies the exchange. When candidates reply to the message the platform recognizes the code and associates the email with the candidate. If the candidate replies to a message generated by the platform without including the code the message will be discarded.
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