Creating and editing email templates
FollowTo create an email template:
- Click on Setup > Email > E-mail Templates from the top menu
- Click on New form the top left context menu
- Fill in the form as necessary
- Click on the Save button
The form has the following fields:
- Reference: An internal reference used to identify the email. This should be a descriptive name
- Subject: The email subject
- E-mail format: If you select HTML the platform will send an HTML email and you will be able to edit the body of the email using an editor. If you select Text the platform will send a text only email and you will use a text only text box to edit the body of the email
- Message: The body of the message
You can use tags in the subject or body of the email template. The list of tags that you can use is displayed and explained in the user interface when you create or edit an email template by clicking in the Available Tags. To see the list of tags that you can use in your email template:
- Edit the email template
- Click on the Available Tags link
The system will substitute the following keywords with the actual data from the candidates' CVs. For example:
- %name%: name of candidate appears automatically
- %surname%: candidate’s surname appears automatically
- %email%: candidate’s email address appears automatically
- %address%: candidate’s postal address appears automatically and so on
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