Learning Workflow
FollowWhen you view the list of courses, editions or enrollments, the list of statuses will appear on the left, i.e. the phases that make up the workflow of the progress of a course, edition or enrollment. Keep in mind that the course workflow is different from the workflows of editions and registration.
Workflows are designed by your platform Administrator, therefore the exact succession of statuses and outcomes that the workflow entails can vary from company to company. The approval processes described in this article are only an example, therefore they may not correspond to those customized for your company.
When you view the list of courses, editions or enrollments, the total number of elements you are viewing is also displayed on the left sidebar, divided in phases. If you click on a status, the elements that have reached that stage in the process will be displayed; this way of filtering by status allows you to quickly switch from one status to another.
Keep in mind that selecting a status from the sidebar will cancel all filters applied. The workflow also appears when viewing a single course, edition or enrollment. Depending on the status you are in, there can be a few buttons at the bottom of the tab, which are used to move the elements from one status to another.
Courses workflow
When you create a new course, it will be saved in the Draft status until you activate it, in that case it will automatically be transferred to the Active status.
A course can also be withdrawn, i.e. closed, or temporarily suspended. In the latter case, it can be subsequently reactivated at any time.
Editions workflow
When you create a new edition, it will be saved in the Draft status until you open the registration process, in that case it will be transferred to the Open registrations status.
When registrations are closed through the appropriate outcome, the edition will automatically be moved to the Ongoing status. Subsequently, it will be closed (or cancelled if necessary).
Registrations workflow
Registration requests can be rejected or accepted after an evaluation by the HR manager or any approved user. Following the approval, the registration will enter the status either of Accepted or Rejected.
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