Starting table
FollowThe starting table of a view is the table that the view is based on. The starting table can only be specified when the view is created and cannot be changed afterwards. The starting table determines the following behaviours:
- How the designer displays the data model. The table at the top of the designer in the left hand tree view displays the data model. The starting table is the table from which you start browsing the data model: the tables you can browse in the tree view are the tables that have a relationship with the starting table
- Where the view can be used. If you create a form view with a starting table Employees you cannot use it as a form for displaying and updating CVs. This is true for all kinds of views: if you create a CV list you cannot use when displaying a table of vacancies
You can still use data from other tables both directly in reports and filters or indirectly using sub views in forms and prints.
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