Incorporated filters
FollowYou can create incorporated filters for report and print views. Incorporated filters cannot be used on their own: they are part of the view that they are designed with. Incorporated filters allow you to:
- Design a report that users can interact with by changing the search conditions
- Pre filter reports for other users and optionally stop them from changing the initial filters by making the field read only
Please note that incorporated filters in prints are not displayed to the user and are used to filter the data that is displayed. This means that filters in prints are useless unless you also specify an initial filter.
To design a search filter for a view:
- Edit the view clicking on Setup > Application > Forms & Views
- Click on the edit icon
to open the view page
- Click on View Designer > Design filter option from the context menu
The view designer is displayed in filter mode. You can then create a filter in the same way you would if you were defining a standalone filter
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