Saved search
FollowSaved searches are a powerful feature of the Altamira HRM platform. Users can create complex search conditions and save them to then recall them with a single click. Saved searches are only available in sections where Forms & Views is used to display and edit data such as CVs, Projects, Vacancies, Clients and Employees.
Saved searches are the only way to construct a search allows different fields to be combined using the OR operator. Simple combinations using the OR operator are available in advanced search forms but only between items of the same list. For example, when you are searching for CVs, with saved searches you can create queries with Location = Milan OR Study title = Degree.
Running a saved search
To run an existing saved search:
- Locate the Quick search box, click on the arrow next to the Find button
- Click on Saved search
- Click on the name of the saved search
The saved search is run and the results list is displayed. If any filters are present when you run the saved search they will be combined with the saved search filters. If you wish to start the search from scratch you must clear the filters using the clear filter icon in the search bar.
Creating and editing a saved search
You can create and edit saved searches for any section where Forms & Views is used to display and edit data such as CVs, Projects, Vacancies, Clients and Employees.
To create a new saved search:
- Locate the Quick search box, click on the arrow next to the Find button
- Click on Saved search > Manage saved searches link
- Click on New link to create a new list
- Fill in the form as necessary
- Click on the Save button
The saved search form
The saved search form allows you to configure the saved search.
The form has the following fields:
- Name: The name of the saved search
- Public: Whether the saved search should be available to other users of the account
Once you have given the search a name and saved it, you must specify the criteria of the search. This is done by entering or selecting values in the search form that is displayed after the saved search details. This is the same search form that is used in the advanced search for the type being queried and is customized for your organization.
The saved search can be configured using a Simplified view or an Advanced view. When you first create a saved search it is displayed in Simplified view If you wish to combine search criteria together and build complex queries you must switch to Advanced view.
Advanced view
If you wish to combine search criteria together and build complex queries you must switch the saved search to Advanced view.
To switch the saved search to Advanced view:
- Locate the Quick search box, click on the arrow next to the Find button
- Click on the Saved search > Manage saved searches link
- Click on the edit icon
of the saved search you wish to edit. Please note that you cannot edit a system saved search directly: you must copy it first and then edit the copy
- Click on Advanced view link
In Advanced view you can create complex queries by grouping multiple search form criteria using logical operators. To use the OR operator between search criteria you must create a group.
To create a new group:
- Edit the saved search
- Click on the name of saved search folder where you want to add the group to
- Click on the Group link in the command bar at the top of folder
- Specify the name of group and select the logical operator that you want to use
- Click on the name of group you would like to add the criteria for
- Click on New criteria link in the command bar
- Specify the search criteria and click on Save button. You can add multiple criteria to a group
Once you have grouped two or more criteria together the group will behave like a single criteria. To break the group up:
- Select the group you wish to break
- Click on the Delete button
Copying saved search
To copy a saved search:
- Locate the Quick search box, click on the arrow next to the Find button
- Click on Saved search > Manage saved searches link
- Click on the edit icon
of the saved search you wish to delete
- Click on Copy button
Deleting saved search
To delete a saved search:
- Locate the Quick search box, click on the arrow next to the Find button
- Click on Saved search > Manage saved searches link
- Click on the Copy link corresponding to the saved search that you want to copy
- Specify the name of new saved search
- Click on the Delete button
You can also delete saved searches from the list of saved searches by selecting one or more searches and clicking on Delete button at the bottom of the list.
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