Creating and editing workflow statuses
FollowTo create a new workflow status:
- Click on Setup > Application > Workflows in the top menu
- Locate the Search box
- Type part of the name of the workflow you are searching for
- Click on the Search icon
- Click on the New status button
- Fill in the form as necessary
- Click on the Save button
The form has the following fields:
- New / Edit Status
- Name: The name of the status
- Type:
- Outcomes list
- The outcomes will be added in this section once they are created
- Status expiration
- Duration: The amount of time before this status expires and the platform automatically moves the candidate to the status indicated in Next Status
- Outcome name: The name of the outcome to assign when the status expires
- Outcome type: The type of outcome associated with the status expiration
- Next Status: The status to move candidates too when this status expires
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