Exporting translations to Excel
FollowIn many scenarios, whether due to the large number of translations or due to security considerations, it will not be practical to have translators use the back office to translate. In these cases you can export data to be translated from Altamira Recruiting to Microsoft Excel format. The files can then be sent to translators who can translate the content in their environment. When a translator completes the work, the returned files are imported into Altamira Recruiting.
The Microsoft Excel files generated by the platform have a specific structure which must be maintained by the translator. If the structure of the file is changed (columns changed, columns deleted etc.), you may have difficulty importing the translations into the platform.
To export a Microsoft Excel file to be translated:
- Click on Setup
> Application > Translations from the top menu
- Fill in the form as necessary
- Click on the Export link in the Import translations field
- Choose Save As from the browser file download (this may vary according to the browser you are using) and select a location on your computer or network
We suggest the following selections
- Select a table to translate: leave the table selection blank. This will export all the items to be translated regardless of the table they come from
- Choose languages: select the source and destination language
- Search for text: leave the field empty
- Show only non-translated texts: this will only export items that have not been translated
- Show items that are empty in all languages: uncheck the field
The file can be sent to a translator. Use of the files by translators is straightforward as they type in the column of their language, save the file and return it for import.
To import a file that has been translated:
- Click on Setup
> Application > Translations from the top menu
- Fill in the form as necessary
- Click on the Import link in the Import translations field
We suggest the following selections
- Select a table to translate: leave the table selection blank
- Choose languages: select only the destination language
- Search for text: leave the field empty
- Show only non-translated texts: use the same selections as those used for exporting the translations
- Show items that are empty in all languages: check the field
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