Dynamic security
FollowIn Altamira Employees you can set a dynamic security, which allows you to set permissions and rights for users based on their position in the organizational chart and according to the corporate hierarchy.
Dynamic security functions
These settings can be managed through specific system functions visible from:
Setup > Security > Data access
Dynamic security features are:
- Any: any user, regardless of their position or role
- DirectBoss: self explanatory
- Boss: is the boss of the boss
- Self: self explanatory
- Peer: colleagues who are at the same level and who have the same direct boss
- OtherBoss: is a function exclusively linked to the PMP. If an employee has multiple direct bosses and one of them is the PMP manager, the others automatically become the employee's OtherBoss
- DirectReport: self explanatory
- HR Manager: a non-Admin user who can view and manage various sections of the organization chart
Permissions for each function
For each function there are permissions associated with specific sections (e.g. anomalies / absences / employees, etc.) that you can decide to allow or deny by ticking the Allow or Deny box for the following options:
- Read: can read all the data
- Write: can edit all the displayed data
- Delete: can delete all the data displayed
- New: can create new data
Generally speaking, the denial always wins you any allowed permission.
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